Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Assembling Your Device

Assembling your experimental rain making device.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weather! Hurricanes, Droughts, El Nino and other natural forces we cannot control make the headlines and encourage us to feel that we are at the mercy of the elements that make up the weather. Are we at the mercy of nature and it's weather or can we work with the forces that make up weather? I believe we can work with nature and while I do not believe that we can control weather we can certainly work with it on a local level.

Let's take rain as an example; we have been taught that rain falls based on the following general principles:

Warm air rises and the water molecule particles rise with it.
As the particles rise they cool and are drawn to one another forming clouds.
The water particles combine with dust, salt crystal and other particles in the surrounding air.
As they rise, cool and combine they form into water droplets.
When they cool enough they drop as rain.

Naturally, specific geographical locations have their own idiosyncrasies, however, in general that's how it is supposed to work.

How and why are the particles drawn to one another? Frequency, vibration, magnetism, electricity, displacement of atom particles; no one knows for sure and frankly, many will say, who cares! As long as the clouds keep forming, it keeps raining, we have the water we need to drink and the food we need to eat we really don't care. Particularly, since we can't control nature and really don't know how or why “weather” does what it does. If we did care we might get very concerned that we are at the mercy of nature, that fearsome force that creates Hurricanes, Droughts, El Nino, etc.

I have to tell you, I care. I love the rainforest and small farmers both of which are dependent on natural rainfall for their survival. So, I began to look for a way to help. How many times have you noticed that even though clouds form and the atmosphere seems saturated with moisture it does not rain? If we have these dense particles binding together in the atmosphere why don't they fall as rain?

The particles are not binding with sufficient force to allow water droplets to form. Salt crystals in the atmosphere easily bind with water vapor. However, soot and organic carbons and mineral particles do not. When a cloud has formed it still needs something for the droplets to form too so they can fall.

It turns out that water vapor particles require a non-gaseous surface to which they can attach. Water particles, even in saturated air, need to cluster together bound by particles, other than the cloud particles, to form water droplets. They will combine with dust, salt crystal and other particles in the surrounding air as long as a non-gaseous particle is present to encourage the binding effect, as they rise, cool, combine and form into water droplets.

The question I asked myself was; “Can I work with nature to deliver the particles that help bind the water particles into droplets.” I do not believe that we can “create” or change weather, however, we can encourage it to move in the direction that we feel will be most beneficial to us.

Infinite, Ether, Prana, Orgone, Life Force, Animal Magnetism, Ordic Force, Mana, Li, Ga-llama, Tuma are all expressions of our search to come to understand that perfectly balanced pure energy that is all that is, let's call it “Universal Energy.” Assuming that some sort of energy exists that permeates all things can we find a way to use this energy to help create the weather we want?

Yes we can, here's how. Energy particles exists in a balanced free form in the atmosphere. I believe we can effect the weather process by delivering charged, excited particles to the area requiring them in order to help the water particles form into droplets. These particles become the non-gaseous particles that attract the water particles. As water vapor particles rise they combine with the excited non-gaseous particles. As this combined water continues to rise, as they continue to combine, the non-gaseous excited particle become more excited. This action causes an increased electrical charge which enhances their magnetic field attracting more charged particles and other particles to form larger denser water particles.

By projecting a stream of charged water particles into the atmosphere we provide a magnetic force that attracts the rising water vapor particles. The more that are attracted the stronger the attraction, clouds form and when sufficient volume is present it rains. All we need is a device to get the excited particles to the area requiring them in order to help the water vapor particles form into water droplets.

The device we use is somewhat similar to that suggested by Wilhelm Reich before his untimely death. In our processing device we charge the source water with crystals. By charging water with crystals we increase the energy potential of water, we excite the water particles through the crystals making them a more powerful attractor. We are not creating weather, we are helping it along its natural flow.

In the normal course of events a force forms non-gaseous particles which binds with water vapor to form water droplets and when enough have bound together they will fall to earth as rain. The earth and water on the earths surface hold these energy particles which are released back to the atmosphere in a balanced way. Our device draws the energy particles to it and processes them back into the atmosphere.

The job of our little device is to throw sufficient amounts of charged excited particles into the atmosphere along the normal weather pattern flow to allow enough water particles to bind with the non-gaseous particles to produce rain.

In order for the device or any device associated with Universal Energy to work there is one other key ingredient that must be present. Belief! The thought with the most intensity becomes reality. If you believe a thing cannot be done ------- it cannot be done. If you believe you can help nature develop rain to areas that are beneficial to you -------- You Can!